The Story So Far: Part 1

The Story So Far: Part 1

"I don't know what's happening, but God's going to do something crazy in my life this year."

These words were all I (Nathan) could get out as I sat in bed one night in early 2015. As a wave of emotions swept through my body, tears welling up in my eyes, and Sharnele looking at me like I was crazy, God was moving.

It was January 2015, and our whole world was turning upside down. We had been married for just over two years. I was working as a photographer and a barista (because how else would I fit the stereotype?) and Sharnele was working full-time as the talented hairstylist that she is. No kids yet in the picture.

Also not in the picture were plans of vocational ministry, pastoring, preaching, or anything related. That was not in my life plan. Period.

And then, it's as if I blinked and all of the sudden... it was.

A New Calling

I can't do justice to the details and be brief, but it began with a book—Desiring God. God used it to spark a fire in me, which led to more books (which was weird because I hated reading), more learning, and new conversations with friends and mentors as God drew me into Himself.

From there, I started to hear God speak. I had no idea He could do that or what it would be like if He did. But that didn't matter. God started speaking and it became very clear—He was calling me to vocational, pastoral ministry.

Over the next six years, I attended Bible college and then completed a Master of Divinity degree. Through it all, God consistently provided—whether through unexpected finances or perfectly timed jobs—and confirmed the call to pastoral ministry. During this time, I also gained experience in kids’ ministry, campus oversight, and pastoral roles, through which God shaped my passion for spiritual formation.

As I finished my masters degree in 2020, the world in general was getting turned upside down by "that-which-will-not-be-named." But it was just before that that Sharnele and I sensed that God was calling us on to the next thing and the next season.

While off work (you know... the virus) and having just finished school in the Spring of 2020, God opened a door for us to go to Westside Church in Downtown Vancouver. Through conversations, it became clear that the Spirit was leading us into what He was up to at Westside.

That August we packed up and moved from Surrey to Downtown Vancouver. From the quiet suburbs to the constant buzz of an urban centre, where we would spend the next four incredible years as I served on staff as the Minister of Formation and Community.

But one thought never left me—church planting.

Wait, Why Church Planting?

If that feels a little bit out of nowhere, let me give you some context.

Our previous church (before Westside) had been ambitiously starting new locations and that meant I had given much thought to the idea of planting a church while completing my degree. Do I feel called? Could I see myself doing that? Do others see that in me? Does God have that in my/our future? At the time, it wasn't right.

But just like the book I read back in 2015, I now know something was slowly being kindled in my heart.

I can still remember a specific conversation—a roundtable discussion over lunch with a church planter who was sharing the difficulties and trials of planting a church. As I listened, excitement welled up within me. As daunting as it sounded, it felt like an adventure.

What I didn't realize is that my fellow students were not having the same experience. To them, this was a "heck no, I don't want that," kind of moment. But there I was, my affections for Jesus stirred up, paired with a sense that He may want me to be part of something new.

It led me to focus on church planting in the last four months of my Masters program, using that time to talk with church planters and leaders as I explored the landscape and learned. When I finished my degree, however, that work got put on the shelf with everything else. Especially since I was then about to take a job as the Minister of Formation and Community, meaning my role and my focus (and my passion) was centred on helping people experience deeper life with Jesus, with His people.

So church planting was an idea (a calling?) that was put on the shelf.

Blowing the Dust Off

From there, God led me on a journey of exploring the depth and mystery of life in Jesus—not just in my own life but in the lives of countless others I had the privilege of walking alongside. I kept exploring spiritual formation, diving into the writings of the Christian mystics and contemplatives, the pros and cons of the monastic movements, and even rabbit trails like a strange but wonderful group of Christians known as the Desert Fathers.

But over the years, no matter what was immediately in focus, it's like someone would occasionally tap me on the shoulder and point back to the shelf—the one where I stashed the metaphorical box labelled "Church Planting." It was as if God kept saying, "Hey, don't forget about this."

And I didn't. But I also knew that it still wasn't a right now thing.

That was until—similar to January of 2015—I blinked... and then... it was.

At the start of 2024, that tapping on my shoulder became a lot more obvious—and a lot harder to ignore. In the months that followed, it felt like God took that box off the shelf, blew the dust off, and set it down right in front of me.

A season of calling was transitioning into a season of sending. But I'll save that story for our next post.

One Last Thought

During another season of disorientation and reorientation—shortly after I started Bible college—God highlighted Proverbs 16:9 for me:

"The heart of man plans his way,
    but the Lord establishes his steps."

Ever since, it's felt illustrative of God's work in my life. I had plans of being a photographer and having the flexibility of running my own business and maybe even one day living in a grungy but tasteful loft in Downtown Vancouver.

But God had different plans—steps that He established. Funny enough, I have ended up with the flexibility to be with my family. And I did end up living in Downtown Vancouver. But none of it was my way.

It was far better.

Now, I can't imagine it being any different. I can't imagine not knowing life in Jesus the way I do now. I can't imagine not getting to walk with people as they discover life in Him too. I can't imagine not getting to be witness to the power and goodness of God working in the world.

With weak desires, I planned a few measly steps. But God? He stoked a fire in me and led us on an adventure with eternal significance.

And so, yes—we will forever do our best to take His way over ours.

Until next time,