The Story So Far: Part 2
"It's time to go."
We both heard it. It couldn't have been clearer as we sat in the balcony of an old church one Sunday in the Spring of 2024. God was telling us it was time to take a step.
For months, Nathan and I (Sharnele) were feeling like God was calling us into another transition for our family. And with those words that God whispered to each of us that Sunday, we knew it was finally time to get up and follow.
God wanted us to take a big leap of faith.
The first step for us included Nathan stepping away from his job at Westside church. With no other job set up to go to next and only some conversations just beginning, God wanted to foster a dependence on him like we’ve never experienced before.
In all of this we’ve been reflecting on Gods call for Abraham in Genesis 12:1.
"The Lord said to Abram:
Go from your land,
your relatives,
and your father’s house
to the land that I will show you."
He didn’t tell him to wait until he knew the exact plan before going. God told him to take a step forward first and then, after that, he would show him the land.
We feel a lot like Abraham, taking steps ahead not knowing exactly where we are going but trusting that in time, we will see.
But it's hard.
Last summer marked 4 years living in the city in our tiny little apartment. We always imagined staying in downtown Vancouver long term, with the kids going to school here and our community continuing to grow.
We could literally see the elementary school from our big glass windows, it would have made perfect sense.
Not only that but the community of people made it our home. There was always a neighbour to meet or a friendly puppy dog to say hello to as we stepped outside.
So it still feels silly at times, leaving the comfortable life we had with financial stability and every best coffee shop right outside our door.
But as a pastor-friend said recently, “You have this one chance in life to really live by faith.” Those words have Nathan and I being reminded that this is how we want to live out our lives as followers of Jesus. We trust in our good Father who promises that he will provide for us daily as we seek his kingdom.
The journey ahead still feels a bit unclear but we know from past experience that God tends to only show us what the next step is. We know that he is faithful and that in his perfect timing we will “know the way we should go.”
"Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love,
for in you I trust.
Make me know the way I should go,
for to you I lift up my soul.
Teach me to do your will,
for you are my God!
Let your good Spirit
lead me on level ground!"
Psalm 143:8-10
For now, this has meant packing up our life in Downtown Vancouver and following God to Langley, where he has provided a wonderful place for us to spend this next chapter.
From there, we continue to wait, pray and seek him as his plans continue to unfold.
An Open Door
One part of that plan has come into focus as He opened the door for Nathan to be brought on staff at Port Kells Church. As of February 1st, he is now serving as the part-time Associate Pastor/Church Planting Apprentice at PKC. Through this role, we'll be able to serve and love this community while it also becomes the place of incubation and formation for our future church plant.
We're grateful for how God has been so clearly moving and can't wait to see what He does next.
If you would like to be a part of this journey with us, we'll continue to share updates here as God continues to lead us in this next season. And if you subscribe below, you'll hear about every new post, as well as receive Newsletter only content about what's happening and how you can pray with us. Or click here to learn more about how you can partner with us in this season.
Thanks for reading and we'll see you soon,
Sharnele Harrison