Happy New Year: Welcome to Orientation

As we begin the year, I feel like I'm right back in my grade nine homeroom on orientation day. You know, that weird little one-hour day before classes start?
I can remember walking to school, probably wearing new clothes and maybe even a new hairstyle (I liked to change things up pretty often), hoping it would all somehow give me a strong start.
I then walked into Mr. Fernandez's homeroom, black desktop computers glowing across the desks. He was also the computer-science teacher. And sitting, scattered across the room were all of the other newly-minted teenagers, still discovering what everyone ominously has called the "awkward teen years." A reality that only became more obvious when we received our new student ID cards.
But changing bodies aside, we were there to discover more about what this next year would look like. Where will my locker be? Who's going to be in my classes? And other important details like when's the first holiday or pro-D day?
You can likely remember a similar orientation day. Maybe for you it was college or university. Or maybe it was your first job. Either way, you know what's it like to stand in a new place, feeling a bit disoriented, and waiting—maybe even searching—for someone to simply point you in the right direction.
Navigating the New Year
I think the start of a new year can often feel the same way. I know it does for me, especially this year. A new place, a new ministry role (or a lack of one to be more accurate), all as Sharnele and I step into new territory with church planting.
In that place, I'm finding there are two options. The first is to approach the year like most of us typically do—the way I usually do.
We can look ahead at the blank slate that is the year ahead and dream about what we want it to be and create a (probably half-baked and yet over-zealous) plan for all that we will accomplish. We can watch all the productivity videos, set our goals, and make all the lists, titling them something other than "resolutions" hoping that if we do they might actually stick.
No? That's just me? Great.
Regardless, as we begin to navigate this new season, it’s tempting to jump straight into planning and strategizing without pausing to listen to the One who led us here in the first place.
But that would be like going to orientation day and, instead of listening to Mr. Fernandez, taking over the class. That'd be dumb. I don't know what's happening. I don't know how to deal with assigning lockers. I don't know how the schedule has been set out for the year.
I need to sit down and look to someone else—the one who knows what's ahead. The one who can simply point me in the right direction.
Which, if you haven't figured it out yet, is God.
He's the one who establishes our steps (Proverbs 16:9).
He's the one who has prepared every good work for us to walk in (Ephesians 2:10).
He's the only one who can search ours hearts and lead us on the ancient path (Psalm 139:23-24).
This is option two. The better option.
Now, as with many things, this is easier said than done. But as I've started this year in prayer, God has highlighted the word "orientation." Which has come as a word of reminder and an invitation—an invitation to let Him continue to point us in the right direction. Because as long as we're pointed in the right direction, oriented to the right things, then we can be confident our steps will be following His.
So we're learning to stay with Him and to not get preoccupied with progress. Instead, we're learning to continually let Him orient our hearts toward Him, His heart, and His way. Everything after then begins with obedience, not strategy.
A Quick Blog Orientation
As God orients our hearts toward His plans, we want to invite you to join the story as it unfolds. This blog and the accompanying email newsletter will be our main ways of keeping you updated. Here’s what you can expect and when:
1) New Blog Post Every First Tuesday of Each Month
Sharnele and I will be posting one main article per month, every first Tuesday of each month. We'll share more of our story, things God is currently teaching us, and some of the updates about where things are at with church planting. But if you want more, the Newsletter is what you're looking for.
NOTE: In coming weeks, we'll be sharing a multi-part series of articles all about how we ended up where we are now. We'll be talking through things like, How did you start thinking about church planting? Why church planting? And How did you end up in Langley after living in Vancouver? So stay tuned.
2) Email Newsletter Sent the Same Week
The email newsletter will highlight blog updates while offering behind-the-scenes insights, personal updates, prayer requests, and ways to get involved. So be sure to subscribe below so you don't miss out on each new chapter.
3) Instagram for the Random Bits and Fun Stuff
And for all the fun stuff (and yes, a notification about each new blog post) you can follow me on instagram (@Nathan.d.harrison).
That’s all for now. As you step into this new year, we trust that He will lead you as faithfully as He’s leading us. We’re excited to have you along for the journey ahead.
Nathan Harrison